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类型:喜剧  日本  1980 

主演:渥美清 倍赏千惠子 浅丘琉璃子 江藤淳 前田吟 下条正巳 三崎千惠子 


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寅次郎的故事25:寅次郎芙蓉花是山田洋次 导演于1980 年拍摄的 日本  喜剧  ,并由渥美清 倍赏千惠子 浅丘琉璃子 江藤淳 前田吟 下条正巳 三崎千惠子  担任主演,电影讲述了 : 寅次郎收到莉莉從沖繩寄來的信,原來她在夜總會唱歌時暈倒入院,還說:「臨死前,很想見寅一面」。寅馬上趕到沖繩照顧莉莉,縱然闊別了五年,兩人的感情有增無減,莉莉休養期間,寅更隨傳隨到,旁人都以為他們是夫妻……淺丘瑠璃子演的莉莉第三度登場,叫寅再三考慮「結婚問題」。山田自言「這是我最愛的作品之一」,渥美清去世後,山田在《男人之苦》系列中只選了本片(加插新片段)推出特別版來紀念這位一代巨星。 Upon receipt of a letter from Lily telling Tora that she would like to see him before she dies, Tora rushes to Okinawa, where Lily has fainted during one of her performances. Although five years has passed since they parted, the former couple continues to care about each other, and Tora nurses Lily to health. The personal favourite of Yamada Yoji , Tora-san's Tropical Fever was the only film re-released (with added scenes) by the director to commemorate Atsumi Kiyoshi after the superstar's death.


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